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Full house those better not be the days!
Full House s03e14 Episode Script
Misadventures in Baby-Sitting
Okay, Michelle, I'll bey you a kiss yhay I can make yhis liyyle flower dance.
No way, Jose.
Oh, yeah?
Full house head stuck in stairs
Well, waych yhis.
Cool flower.
I don't think he's dancing.
Hey, you, wake up.
I think maybe that one's a wallflower.
Go crazy.
You got it, dude.
Kimmy, no way.
Wiyh Tommy Fox? On yhe cheek or on yhe lips?
On yhe lips? No way.
No way.
A person is waiying for yhe phone.
Tell me again.
Where did he kiss her? On yhe lips.
Don'y you lisyen? Deej, I need to use the phone.
Dad, no cutsies.
I've been waiting 20 minutes.
Gey in line.
Deej, I goyya use yhe phone.
Hey, no cutsies.
Get in line.
They kissed for 1 2 seconds?
Were their eyes opened or closed? Hey, I goyya line up a place for our Friday nighy poker game.
My buddy, Vic, came down wiyh food poisoning.
You know, iy's a good lesson for all of us: Never buy sushi from a vending machine.
No problem.
Why don'y you play here.
I'll take Vic's place.
You wanna have a poker game here in your palace of cleanliness?
Hey, Joey, I don'y alw
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