How to prepare lesson plan in hindi
- how to prepare lesson plan in hindi
- how to make lesson plan in hindi
- how to write lesson plan in hindi
- how to make lesson plan in hindi subject
This video gives the information about 'HINDI LESSON PLAN FILE'.!
' + n + ''; return code; } function post_author(feed, i) { var n = feed[i].author[0].name.$t, code = '' + n + ' '; return code; } function post_date(feed, i) { var c = feed[i].published.$t, d = c.substring(0, 4), f = c.substring(5, 7), m = c.substring(8, 10), h = monthFormat[parseInt(f, 10) - 1] + ' ' + m + ', ' + d, code = '' + h + ''; return code; } function post_label(feed, i) { if (feed[i].category != undefined) { var tag = feed[i].category[0].term, code = '' + tag + '
- '; } var entry = json.feed.entry; if (entry != undefined) { for (var i = 0, feed = entry; i < feed.length; i++) { var link = post_link(feed, i), title = post_title(feed, i, link), image = post_image(feed, i), tag = post_label(feed, i), author = post_author(feed, i), date = post_date(feed, i); var kontent = ''; if (type.match('related')) { kontent += '
- ' + image[1] + '
' + title + '
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- how to make a lesson plan in hindi pdf
- how to write lesson plan for hindi subject