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Translation of see – English–Hindi dictionary
[ + (that) ]I see (that) the club is organizing a theatretrip next month.मैं समझता/समझती हूँ कि क्लब अगले महीने एक थिएटर ट्रिप का आयोजन कर रहा है।
[ + question word ]He can't see what difference it makes to come (= he doesn't think it is important if he comes) on Thursdayinstead of Friday.वह यह नहीं समझ पा रहा कि शुक्रवार के बजाय गुरुवार को आने से क्या अंतर पड़ता है ।
They didn't see the need/any need(= understand that it was important) to notifytheirmembers of the changes in writing.उन्हें अपने सदस्यों को लिखित रूप में परिवर्तनों के विषय में सूचित करने की आवश्यकता/कोई आवश्यकता नहीं दिखाई दी।
They refused to help because they're too busy, but he seems to see more in it than that.
"I'm tired." "So I see - you've been yawning all afternoon."
I was surprised that they couldn't see my point of view.मुझे आश्चर्य हुआ कि वे मेरे दृष्टिकोण को नहीं देख/समझ सके।
The government didn't want to be seen to be making concessions to terrorists.
After she read his book she started to see the issuein another/a
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- saw meaning in hindi