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- exercise in high blood pressure
Is it better to rest or exercise with high blood pressure.
Q.Does exercise raise or lower your blood pressure? And what's the best type of exercise for blood pressure?
A. While you are exercising, your blood pressure (along with your pulse) goes up, to supply the additional blood flow that your exercising muscles need.
Otherwise, regular exercise lowers your blood pressure throughout the day.
Besides lowering your blood pressure, regular exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, many kinds of cancer (including breast and colon cancer), diabetes, obesity, kidney failure, osteoporosis, and gallstones.
Three easy exercises to lower blood pressure immediately
And, by the way, it also protects your ability to think, improves your mood, and lengthens your life. No pill yet invented can begin to give you all those health benefits. And pills cost money, whereas you can exercise for free.
Do all kinds of exercise lower your blood pressure?
In July 2023, the British Journal of Sports Medicine published an analysis of nearly 300 randomized trials involving over 15,000 people. Each trial assigned people either to a particular form of regular exercise or to no exercise for a period of at lea
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