Why we do serial dilution in microbiology
- how to do serial dilution in microbiology
- how to perform serial dilution in microbiology
- how to calculate serial dilution in microbiology
- what is serial dilution in microbiology
Serial dilution method procedure!
2-fold serial dilutionIntroduction
Serial dilution is a microbiological process where a substance is stepwise diluted in a solution. This serial dilution method is a technological method that is used in the isolation of microorganisms.
There are two types of dilution.
- Simple dilution
- Serial dilution.
Below is a discussion of what the serial dilution method is and how it’s to be calculated (1).
Let us see the basis of the solution, that is solute, and solvent before discussing serial dilution.
The solution is a mixture of two or more elements in a solvent.
It can be prepared by dissolving solutes in solvent or diluted in a diluent, e.g. water, alcohol, etc.
Serial dilution calculations microbiology
Usually, the same solvent or diluent is used for the dilution of the solution to prepare a working solution (1).
Serial dilution is a biotechnical method. In microbiology, isolation is defined as the separation of a strain from a natural or mixed population of living microorganisms.
Soil is a heterogeneous mixture of various types of microorganisms including bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae, and protozoa.
These microorganisms
- steps of serial dilution
- how to do serial dilutions in biology