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How to cook two pies at once in your oven (pro baking tips)
Baking two pies at once is a real time-saver, especially during the holidays or family gatherings. But achieving perfectly baked pies together in one oven requires a few strategic adjustments. Here’s everything you need to know about how to cook two pies at once.
Table of Contents
Understanding Your Oven Space
By understanding your oven’s space and layout, you can maximize its potential and achieve consistent, evenly baked pies.
Here’s how to set up your oven for optimal results:
Ideal Oven Rack Positioning for Baking Pies
For even baking, place one pie on the lower-middle rack and the other on the upper-middle rack.
How long to bake a pie at 350
This allows air to circulate between the pies, promoting even heating. Avoid placing pies directly above one another, as this can cause the bottom pie to bake slower while the top one browns too quickly. If you have a convection setting, using it can also help distribute heat more evenly.
Measuring Your Oven Space Effectively
Before baking, measure your oven’s interior to ensure your pie dis
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