Bold text css

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    Css color property list.

    CSS text color using an HTML tag

    To begin, let's style some basic text. We’ll use the <h1> tag in this example, but you can style just about any text element using CSS. Below is our example HTML document, a very simple page with only a title and a short paragraph.


    Let's color the <h1> element red. In the <head> of our HTML document we’ll add a CSS style for the <h1> element, changing the color from the default black to red.


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    CSS text color using an ID

    Another way we can style the <h1> element is by giving it an ID; in this example we'll use the ID of 'heading'.

    How to change text color in html

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  • Css color property list
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  • Css color picker
  • IDs can be styled using CSS in the same way as HTML tags, but are prefixed with a '#' symbol.


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    CSS text color using a class

    A third method for adding color to HTML elements is by using classes – very similar to IDs, except they are prefixed with a dot '.' instead of a '#'.

    Here we apply the same CSS color to the <h1> element but using a class named 'heading'.


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      how to color text in html without css
      how to change text color in css class

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