Seen vs saw quiz
- when to use seen in a sentence
- when to use seeing in a sentence
- when to use shown in a sentence
- when to use found in a sentence
I have never seen or saw
See past tense and past participle...
Here we’ll be discussing two commonly confused English words saw and seen, and try to find out how to correctly use them with the help of sentence examples.
Saw and Seen are generally confused because both represent the action in the past and are derived from the word see.
Let’s see one example before starting.
What creates the confusion ?
Correct : I saw him.
Incorrect : I seen him.
It is incorrect to write ‘I seen’ and the correct way is ‘I saw’. Now let’s discuss how to use these two words correctly.
When to use Saw
The English word saw is the past tense form of the word see, and it is usually used to highlight an event / action that happened in the past.
5 examples of sentences using saw :
- I saw him doing the work.
- They saw someone entering the room.
- Mark saw his friends in the market.
- She saw him with another girl.
- I saw the train.
When to use Seen
The English word seen is the past participle of the word see and generally used to make a compound verb with words like had, have, has, was or were.
5 examples of se
- when would you use seen in a sentence
- when can i use seeing in a sentence